Monday, November 30, 2015

Spirit Week and Giving Thanks

McKenzie had a cup hidden in there!


As October came to an end, we participated in Spirit Week along with the rest of the school.  Crazy Hair day was one of our favorite days.

Ms. Marsh as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - PRICELESS!!!

Our November activities centered around making patterns, turkeys, and giving THANKS!!  We practiced making patterns when creating our Native American headdresses and necklaces.  We even made pattern turkeys!

These quirky turkeys are trying to convince us to eat something other than turkey for Thanksgiving.  The smart writers of the signs did a GREAT job stretching out their words and writing the sounds they heard!
Eat more: pie by Reagan

Eat more: peanut butter by Milly

Our disguised turkeys we created with our families were incredible!  Turkey disguises ranged from astronauts and doctors to Christmas trees and Farmer Brown’s wife! Those turkeys were lucky to have such creative kids to hide them.

We brought November to a close by celebrating Thanksgiving altogether with our school family of friends and some of our own family from home!  

And Mrs. Schaeffer was the most THANKFUL of all…
for the amazing group of little people in her class and their super families.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Our First Field Trip!


Our very first field trip was to Lazy 5 Ranch.  We had so much fun there!  Some of our favorite parts of the trip were feeding the animals, riding in the horse drawn wagon, and playing in the corn bin.  And we even got our own little pumpkins to take home!


On Pumpkin Day, we were visited by Macie’s grandma, Mr. Schaeffer, and Lyndsey’s and Carter’s moms!  Having these special people share in our Pumpkin Day festivities made it all the more special!  

We carved pumpkins with Mr. Schaeffer and Lyndsey’s mom, explored pumpkins with Macie’s grandma, and made a cool pumpkin craft with Carter’s mom.  Pumpkin Day was a blast!
Carving with Mr. Schaeffer

Exploring pumpkins with Macie's grandma

Having a special snack before exploring pumpkins!
Making a special pumpkin craft with Carter's Mom

These are the pumpkins that Mr. Schaeffer helped us make.  We drew the faces and he cut them out.  


Kind of resembles Mr. C!

Bringing You Up to Speed On All We've Been Up To in Kindergarten


It's been a WHIRLWIND of activity in kindergarten! Since we last shared, we have participated in spirit week, gone on our first field trip, celebrated Pumpkin Day, participated in a Letterland Pumpkin Contest, and celebrated our thankfulness for our school family with a Thanksgiving Party!  Sheesh!  It makes me tired just thinking about it all!  We’d barely finished with Apple Day, when it became all about PUMPKINS!  

We held the first annual Letterland Character Pumpkin contest.  Lots of us decorated a pumpkin to look like our favorite Letterland Character.  Wow!  Everyone who brought in a pumpkin character should have won!  They were amazing!
Kira with Golden Girl

Alicia with Zig Zag Zebra

Luke with Zig Zag Zebra

McKenzie with Fix it Max

Chikae with Munching Mike

Lyndsey with Dippy Duck

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Learning the Ropes 
The first month of kindergarten has primarily been about "learning the ropes."  And there have been LOTS of ropes to learn!  We've learned how to let the teacher know we need to go to the bathroom; how to get the teacher's attention in a positive way; how to walk in the hallways; how to behave in the bathrooms; how to get our lunch; how to line up; what table we sit at; how do to sit on the learning rug; how to indicate our lunch choice; where to put our papers when we're finished; who is Bouncy Ben and Annie Apple; how to read to ourselves; what are the three ways to read a book; how to count objects; how to sort objects; what is a ten frame; and the list goes on!  WOW!!!  Fortunately, our classroom is chock full of smarties who are nothing short of AMAZING and who pick things up so quickly. 


We started the year off with Pete the Cat.  He even came to our school one day and lead us on a wild chase throughout the halls to various places in the building.  We never caught him or actually saw him.  But he did leave us special snacks in our room!

Mr. Schaeffer sent in the biggest caterpillar any of us have ever seen.  It turns out that he was a Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar that turns into a very large moth. We watched a video that showed how he changes from a caterpillar to a moth.  We also enjoyed just watching him crawl around and munch on leaves.

Most recently, we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday with APPLE DAY!  We had so much fun eating, painting, and playing games with apples!  We also made a Johnny Appleseed hat. We loved having our parents join us and help out!  We can't wait until PUMPKIN DAY!!!!

Check back with us soon for highlights from our field trip to Lazy 5 Ranch and Pumpkin Day!