Monday, November 30, 2015

Spirit Week and Giving Thanks

McKenzie had a cup hidden in there!


As October came to an end, we participated in Spirit Week along with the rest of the school.  Crazy Hair day was one of our favorite days.

Ms. Marsh as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - PRICELESS!!!

Our November activities centered around making patterns, turkeys, and giving THANKS!!  We practiced making patterns when creating our Native American headdresses and necklaces.  We even made pattern turkeys!

These quirky turkeys are trying to convince us to eat something other than turkey for Thanksgiving.  The smart writers of the signs did a GREAT job stretching out their words and writing the sounds they heard!
Eat more: pie by Reagan

Eat more: peanut butter by Milly

Our disguised turkeys we created with our families were incredible!  Turkey disguises ranged from astronauts and doctors to Christmas trees and Farmer Brown’s wife! Those turkeys were lucky to have such creative kids to hide them.

We brought November to a close by celebrating Thanksgiving altogether with our school family of friends and some of our own family from home!  

And Mrs. Schaeffer was the most THANKFUL of all…
for the amazing group of little people in her class and their super families.

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